Basic Information On Skin Cancer And Its Types

 his skin begins to wrinkle, oil and sweat glands slow down which causes the skin to be dry.  As you probably have noticed in an old man’s skin, it is dry unlike the skin of young adults which is still fresh and still looks healthy.  

Basic Information On Skin Cancer And Its Types

Another thing is that the skin may lose elasticity and the tone of normal skin and this might cause changes in the facial contours.  

This is just a normal occurrence as we age up and might as well just accept the fact that we are no longer getting any younger.

However, the skin, like any other parts of the body, tends to age according to various factors.  Among main contributors to skin aging are exposure to sunlight and constant change in the weather.  

Take a look at those individuals working as a sailor and those who are chronic sunbather, they may have older-looking skin than their years.  Constant exposure to sunlight destroys the skin considering the fact that the skin is delicate, it should be cared properly and individuals must learn how to protect themselves against the heat of the sun the same as how pen stun gun gives you ultimate protection against attackers.  Hereditary and racial factors also influence skin aging as well.

The skin is one of the largest organs in the human body. 

 It is the first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.  There are different skin diseases due to the fact that bacteria harbours on the skin.  If this is left untreated, it will spread and will affect the rest of the skin in your body.  One skin disease that many have feared is skin cancer. 

Skin cancer can be easily diagnosed and treated.  

Most skin cancers are detectable in the early stages because of the presence of tumor which grows on the epidermis unlike other types of cancer which originate inside the body like that of lung, brain, breast, stomach and many others.  There are different types of skin cancer just like the different types and designs of tazer guns available in the market.  The different types of skin cancer include basal cell and squamous cell. 

The basal cell type of skin cancer begins with a small fleshy nodule usually found on the face.  It takes months for it to grow to one half to one inch in diameter.  After a year or so, it then begins to ulcerate and bleed.  If you have noticed anything like this, better contact your physician in order to provide interventions.  He can remove the ulcer by a local operation.

On the other hand, squamous cell is the dangerous type of skin cancer as it is characterized with a red, scaling and thickened patch on the exposed skin. The lesions may appear on the lips, mouth, ears, neck and scalp and they tend to spread and increase in size.  Undergoing surgical operation and other therapies may be required to treat this type of cancer.

The only best way to keep the self from acquiring this type of cancer is to avoid over exposure to the sun.  

Apply sun block or perhaps carry an umbrella to protect you.  And as much as possible, avoid going out when the heat of the sun is excruciating.  It will not only cause skin cancer but will also make you dehydrated and experience heat stroke.

 Basic Information On Skin Cancer And Its Types

Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and the founder of which provides non-lethal self defense products such as stun guns, Taser and pepper sprays. Discover how stun guns and TASERs can save your life. Receive a free report on “Top 10 Self Defense Secrets Everyone Needs To Know”. Limited amount available. Visit us and get your own copy now

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